Friday, October 02, 2009


Whether or not it was Michelle Rhee's intention to fire veteran teachers in the layoffs that took place this afternoon between 1:58 and 3:15 pm, it certainly wasn't handled in the best of manners. If I were to be fired, I'd want to hear it from my principal or my assistant principal, not another teacher. I don't know if this happened at my school, but I know that it happened in at least one school in the district. I'm shocked at the unprofessional, heartless manner in which teachers were escorted from their classrooms by police officers, or sent down to the main offices like a truant. Teachers should have been given the dignity of hearing this news in a private meeting with a superior during their planning period, not in the middle of a class, in front of students.

I don't care if Ms. Rhee intended to fire these teachers months ago or not. I care about what is best for the school community and it definitely isn't good for the school as a whole to be under the impression that they (teachers, staff) could be chopped at any time and in such a brutal manner. Let alone the message that it sends to the students. DCPS...I didn't think you could disappoint me any more, but I guess I was wrong.

As for Bill Turque's coverage of these events, it seems too cut-and-dried. "The day proceeded quietly for the most part." Really, Bill Turque? Did you bother to talk to any of the schools in SE? I know there was craziness in Ward 7 and I'm sure there was craziness at Ballou and Anacostia.

Back to my original point: during 4th period?! REALLY!?

1 comment:

Washington Cube said...

I have three friends who teach in the DCPS system and this is beyond belief...or not, but just so wrong.