Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another cheer for AUseless!

While American University's basketball team seems to be doing very well in whatever tournament they are in, their students aren't doing so well. Over the last few weeks, I've been thinking about how much their education program sucks. We spend time "reflecting" on readings about multiculturalism and diversity and educational psychology, rather than spending time on "how to design a good test" and "here's how you plan a really good unit." Reflecting and reading current educational thought is important, really. But we've taken 6 classes covering the exact same material and I would really like to talk about things that I use EVERY DAY in the classroom, like where to find a good reading on colonial India or how to break down a lesson on colonial India to a student who reads at the first grade level. Really, can we stop having the same discussions over and over and start WORKING?

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